Author: Phillip Jubb
Forms and Checklists
Forms Form Name Notes Membership Application Join WICEN WA using this application form Checklists Checklist Name Notes General Preparedness Checklist
WICEN Frequencies
WICEN Frequencies Below is a listing of useful WiCEN Frequencies. If you needing to contact someone in WICEN during an emergency, this list is a good starting point. Most of these frequencies are listed on the WIA band plan. Make sure you print this list out and have it in your EMCOMM kit. WICEN Frequency…
WICEN WA Committe Meeting Jan 2025
The next meeting wil be held on January 13 2025, 19:30 at the 1st Midland Scout Hall, 10 Helen Street Bellvue WA.
Call for Historical WICENWA Information
Do you have information about WICEN operations in Western Australia? If so, please send submissions for our website to We would love to build a historical record of WICEN in VK6 and highlight our past achievements.